Want hordes of new clients flocking to your salon for your latest, red-hot deals? Then “Google it”!
Nothing powers your marketing efforts more than using Google, one of the Internet’s most popular search engines. Roy Coronado – co-owner of Tan Las Vegas in Henderson, NV – has more than doubled his spray-tanning business by advertising it on the site. “My wife, Nadene, is our custom spray-tanning technician,” he said, “and she went from doing six to eight spray-tans a day to more than 15 sessions a day after the Google ad. When the weather got warmer, that number increased even more.”
Roy and Nadene use a Google feature called “ad words” to help build their businesses. They choose certain keywords that people use during Internet searches, then select a geographic target range for the ad. The ad they create will be seen by everyone within the chosen area who uses those keywords in a search, and they pay a small price for each person who clicks on their ad. “We chose terms such as ‘sunless spray tanning’, ‘tanning’ and ‘Las Vegas’, and set our ad to reach people within a 30-mile radius of Las Vegas,” he said. “Many of our customers have told us they saw our ad on Google.”
Vegas tanners using Google see this attractive offer: three sessions for $75, which offers a $60 savings. “This gives us three chances to up-sell them on UV sessions, products and our other services,” Roy said. “We’ve converted many of them to UV tanning, while others have purchased our sunless EFT membership. Salon owners looking to increase their spa service sales should use it; all you need are the right ad words and an attractive offer.”
The Coronados have owned and operated Tan Las Vegas for the past seven years, having purchased the business from previous owners. The salon offers three UV tanning levels, custom airbrush tanning and a sunless spray booth, as well as a variety of membership programs. Tan Las Vegas was recently chosen as the exclusive airbrush tan provider for the Miss Nevada United States beauty pageant.