Dear Readers,
It’s that time of year again… no, I’m not talking about Valentine’s Day (although I will accept gifts if you’re so inclined). Each February issue begins another volume of ist Magazine – this is the first of Volume 18. Team IST is still working hard to produce a publication that has value for the tanning industry, one that’s enjoyable for our readers and one they look forward to receiving each month. I think we’re reaching that goal, and I have a talented and dedicated staff to thank for continuing to create a magazine we are all proud of.
Every month, I’m amazed by the amount of content we bring you in a single issue… if you’re not reading them cover-to-cover, then you’re not helping to grow your business. We are so thankful to our regular contributors who come to the table and share their expertise in every issue. This month, there are four features written by authorities in various fields that surely contain information you can use. IST continues to be tanning’s leading magazine because we’re invested in the health of the tanning industry, and committed to the quality of our publication. If you have any ideas for future articles, feel free to email Be sure to check out John’s very cool “Special Interest” feature on Ergoline’s Gary Lipman (longtime “UK View” contributor) – the type of story you’ll only find in your ist Magazine.
As of this writing, I was unable to talk with enough salon operators to get a feel for how the early January sales numbers are comparing to 2013. At my salons, sales are down due to some extreme weather we’ve had in Michigan – for the first time in many years, all of my corporate and franchise salons were actually closed for a day! The good news is that as I write this letter on January 13, my sales and tanner numbers are climbing, and I have exciting plans for growth in both my corporate and franchise divisions. The economy has taken its toll on us over the last several years; however, I truly believe that 2014 is going to be a growth year for the tan biz… that is, if we do what’s RIGHT. (Read on.)
As I stated in my January letter, ist Magazine and our salon operator training arm, Sun is Life Training & CertificationTM have drawn a line in the sand on the issue of making medical claims about tanning services and how we as an industry must support a new message. We must educate our staff and our communities about the importance of moderate UV exposure, reinforcing the look good/feel good connection. That’s the business we’re in! Be sure to read the cover story, “Objections: Overruled!” written by our head writer John Ribner and Sun is Life Director/Adjunct Professor Tony Brown and let us know how you feel about the direction we’re taking. As you can see by the list of Sun is Life sponsors, the industry’s leaders believe in our message and have made significant investments in our program because they have a stake in our industry’s future. On a related note, our “Salons of Distinction” feature now highlights only salons whose teams are on board with the “NO medical claims” message. And their numbers are growing!
It’s been a happenin’ industry for the last few months, with a busy regional event schedule that wraps up soon. Check out our “Industry Happenings” section for recent action from Heartland Tanning, Future Industries and Suntan Supply. Sun is Life’s Tony Brown has been traveling coast-to-coast to many of these events to spread the Sun is Life message and talk about the “new road” our industry must take. If you didn’t get a chance to see Tony at one of these events, visit It’s truly a step in the right direction. Be a part of the turnaround.
Look to ist Magazine and Sun is Life Trade School to help you prepare for a prosperous 2014 season!