While traveling around the country to attend tanning distributor events, I’ll meet people who have recently taken ownership of a salon that had to close its doors. They have no idea where to begin and are so confused because every product distributor gives them a different answer concerning which sunlamps to purchase.
Their assignment is to write down the name of the lamps listed on the manufacturer’s label of each tanning system in the salon. Then, write down the name of the lamps currently installed in the units. Usually, it’s a mess. It’s not uncommon for them to have non-reflector lamps in beds that require reflector lamps, and lamps with incorrect wattage. There’s a reason that salon went out of business!
Whether you’re a veteran salon owner or a new one, it helps if you have the following information on file for each tanning unit. This will keep you from having to research this info every time you order sunlamps. Provide your product distributor with the following:
Make, model number and year your tanning units were made Lamp(s) recommended for use in the unit (listed on label next to the exposure schedule)
Lamps currently installed in the units Length and wattage of lamps, and whether they’re reflector or non-reflector
Number of lamps needed and facial lamps, if applicable What you like or dislike about the current lamp This info will enable your distributor to better serve you on the first call. And speaking of distributors, you want to order from someone you are familiar with and who will advise you about all products. Just because they may offer attractive pricing doesn’t mean that they will stand behind their service/product if you are dissatisfied. When it comes to product providers, there is meaning in the adage You should be as easy to reach for a complaint as you are for an order.
Sunlamps are expensive, which is why we always suggest erring on the side of caution when making a purchase. Re-lamp one tanning system and see how the lamps perform, checking in with your salon guests for reactions to their tanning results before re-lamping all the units in your salon.
Feel free to contact me with questions about choosing lamps – just remember, my first question will be “What lamp is listed on the manufacturer’s label?”