What is JK Shop and where can I find more information?
JK Shop is your one-stop shop for all things tanning and wellness. We are more than just lamps – everything from lamps, starters and décor lighting to lotions, moisturizers and sunless products. We have what you need!
What sets JK Shop apart?
Our lamp pricing is more competitive than ever. You can just give us a call for a price consultation!
What is your favorite product & how often do you use it?
I have been in LOVE with BoTan from the clinical strength line by VersaSpa. It’s “botox in a bottle” and I love the glow I get, as well as how moisturized it makes my face feel. I use it every day and I have been watching my pores get smaller and my fine lines disappear! I have also been using the CEglOw™ tanning lotion from Devoted Creations’ 2023 Color Rush collection twice a week when I tan in the Ergoline TLT system. The combination of light from the TLT and the high-end skincare ingredients in the CEglOw has made a noticeable difference in my skin’s softness. My co-workers have noticed my glowing, healthy skin and so have my friends!
We are more than just lamps – everything from lamps, starters and décor lighting to lotions, moisturizers and sunless products. We have what you need!
What is new on JK Shop?
We have added so many new products so far in 2023 and have more on the way. Sun Evolutions, Seven Suns, Sunless, Inc. and MR International products are available now. Salon operators can keep following us on social media for the latest additions and news!
What are salon customers excited about?
Our customers love our NEW products! The opportunities to sell and have access to MRI tanning and skincare products is great. In JK Shop, we understand that competitive pricing options are critical in today’s market, so we’ve got some of the best lamp prices around to give value back to your business.
What are the HOT products that all the salon operators are purchasing?
All of the Devoted Creations 2023 products are in high demand. Top sellers include CEglOw, Sunshine SuperStar™ and Beyond the Beach™.
What is the most-asked question you get from JK Shop customers?
Salon owners often tell me about tanners who have reached a plateau in their results and they need a product recommendation. Not only do tanners need to switch up their lotions once in a while, but they also need to switch up tanning systems. If they’ve been consistently using a Level-1 bed, they need to bump up a few levels and try a new product. A good plateau-breaker lotion is Prismatica™ by Devoted Creations. Tanners also need to moisturize daily – we know that hydrated skin absorbs UV light better. These things will help, but salon owners need to remember that everyone is born with as much melanin in their skin as they will ever have and depending on individual skin type, some people just won’t ever get darker and may need to use lotions that contain DHA and cosmetic color, or a sunless product to get them to their desired level of color. And as always, make sure to maintain the lamps in your tanning systems!
How can salons purchase from JK Shop?
Visit JK-Light@jkamerica.com or call 877.786.5267