There are a number of rumors floating around the industry regarding the formation of a new salon-based association and the role the new organization will have regarding a number of functions that are currently a part of the ITA’s mission.
As most of you know, the ITA has been in existence for over 14 years and has an excellent track record defending the business interests of this industry from intrusions at both the federal and state levels. This new organization has an excellent goal of taking the offensive stance and attempting to head off some of the negative media and unfounded attacks that we know will come each spring with the convening of the state legislatures and the advent of our busy season.
The ITA will whole-heartedly support any initiative that is well planned, inclusive of all industry segments, does not erode or harm the progress we have made both in Washington and in the state capitals, and doesn’t interfere with the ITA’s core mission; that is, protecting your right to tan by defending the industry from intrusive federal or state regulations.
The ITA Board is committed to doing what is best for all of our businesses and the industry as a whole. To that end, we are already working together to develop a plan that adequately protects the industry while furthering the goals of both organizations.
While I remain committed to a solution, there are still many issues to resolve. At the end of the day, for the sake of this industry’s future, we must be resolute in presenting a united front. In the meantime, as we digest the results of a crucial election and with rumblings of trouble already emanating from several state capitals, we will continue to do what is best for our members and the industry as a whole.
Rob Quinn