How many ads do you think you see in a day? As digital media takes over, we are assaulted by ads nearly everywhere we turn. While years ago, advertisements were seen mostly in print (newspaper, magazine) and on television, marketers are now employing digital advertising in every way they can. Since these ads are dynamic and can instantly change (whereas a newspaper can’t), the number of ads a consumer can be exposed to in a day is growing exponentially. Of course, this starts with Facebook – but it doesn’t end there. As just another voice in this crowd, how are we supposed to cut through the noise? This month, I wanted to share some tips on crafting ads for the most successful result.
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Make sure you’re advertising something the customer actually cares about. No matter how compelling or interesting the ad, if it’s not something your target audience is legitimately interested in, there’s no point in running it. In our industry, this could mean advertising sunbed technical specs that a consumer will never understand. Instead of talking above their heads, communicate the bed’s comfort and fast-bronzing power. Tailor the message to interest your potential/current tanners.
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Make the ad feel real and sincere. In an ideal world, you’ll only be promoting products and services you really believe in. In the event you aren’t, make sure that the message comes across as realistic and sincere. Sometimes in the tan biz, our ads depict the hottest body on the prettiest beach. While this is a pretty picture, our customers can’t picture themselves in that world. If we, instead, use a more approachable model, it feels more relational and they can see themselves in that ad.
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Know that aesthetic matters. Lots of tanning ads feature bright, offensive colors slapped together with too many fonts. Text isn’t easily legible and we’re attracting eyes just by “color puke,” instead of tasteful design. A simpler, well-designed ad will perform much better! It’s okay to just use a pretty photo with very limited text. The cleaner the ad, the more of it your customers will catch.
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Remember to advertise what makes sense. I mention this often, but still see salon operators wasting their money! Advertising UV tanning in October will never perform for you as well as advertising sunless, spa services, teeth-whitening, etc. When it comes to promotions, resist the urge to “fight the calendar” on your promotions and instead, focus on what your customers will be most interested in buying. Spend the fourth quarter promoting holiday giving, spray-tans for parties and events, etc.
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Speak to the heart. Advertise what makes your customers “feel all the feels.” This isn’t always sales focused! At my salons, we do a dog food drive for local animal shelters a couple of times a year and always promote our results on social media. This post is often one of our most engaging of the year, and often attracts new customers. People want to do business with people they like – and if we support a cause that’s dear to them, they’re that much more likely to choose us!
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Finally, spend your money where it counts. Every publication/medium will tell you they are the best and will get you the most exposure and the most business – don’t believe them! Advertise in avenues where your customers are (probably not the church directory!), and with organizations that your customers are a part of. This creates a symbiotic relationship and lets them know you value them.
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Here’s to a great season, and spending our ad dollars where it counts! If I can help, drop me a line!