As the industry’s tanning salon association, ASA continues to work on all issues impacting indoor tanning salons in Washington and all 50 states. ASA has also taken the lead on UV-related research development and advancement, industry PR and industry legal issues. The following is an overview of the current status of the ASA’s efforts involving our industry’s most important issues.
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Tan Tax Repeal
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The ASA team is working hard to get the Tan Tax repeal language added to a number of existing bills while simultaneously working to get the standalone bill to the finish line. This year, the bi-partisan Senate bill S.2600 was introduced by Senators Rand Paul (KY) and Heidi Heitkamp (ND) to repeal the Tan Tax. Since that time, the ASA team has met with dozens of Senators on both sides of the aisle asking for their support to end the unfair tax targeting tanning salon owners. “The offices we’ve met with on the Senate side have been very supportive of our cause,” said ASA President, Melinda Norton. “Senators from both sides of the aisle have pledged their support for the repeal.”
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ASA is also working to gather more support for House Bill HR 1150 sponsored by Representative George Holding (NC). “Representative Holding should be commended for championing the Tan Tax repeal efforts in the House,” said Norton. “He has put himself on the line for his constituents and small business owners across the country as he truly understands the devastation this has caused to so many business owners and their employees.”
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The ASA team is armed with dozens of pages of reports and statistics showing the devastation caused by the Tan Tax. Policymakers have been surprised to learn how many small businesses have been closed in their respective districts due to the federal government’s unfair tax. “The momentum and support in Washington to remove this unfair tax is growing,” said Norton. “We’re hopeful that we will see an end to this devastating tax in 2018.”
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Federal Agencies
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ASA’s federal team is also communicating with federal agencies regarding pending regulations and potential anti-tanning issues. Some federal agencies are viewing indoor tanning much like tobacco and are working toward consumer interventions and other efforts to attack our businesses. ASA continues to communicate with these agencies to develop a constructive working relationship that will ultimately help consumers who choose to practice moderate UV exposure both outdoors and indoors. “Sunburn prevention should be the ultimate goal for American consumers, not total UV light abstinence,” said Norton.
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State Regulations
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State under-18 regulatory efforts are another important aspect of the services provided by the ASA. Indoor tanning opponents have not let up on pushing for teen tan bans in almost every state and there’s a concern of even more threatening state regulations. “We are seeing a new threat by anti-tanning groups working to get indoor tanning under the jurisdiction of state departments that can increase oversight, inspections and fines for the industry,” said Joe Levy, ASA Director of Scientific Affairs. “We have been successful so far in keeping these at bay but our opponents appear to not be satisfied with under-18 bans.”
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The most successful state regulatory efforts are achieved when industry members work cohesively with the ASA team. Each year, more tanning salon owners are getting involved with the state regulatory process and federal efforts, which makes the campaigns much stronger.
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About the ASA
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Founded in 2012, the American Suntanning Association is committed to defending and growing the industry through a detailed and proactive plan directed by an all-salon board and executed by more than two dozen management and consulting team members who specialize in this type of work.
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If you would like to get involved in changing the future of UV light and your business, please contact the ASA at or call 855.879.7678. Melinda Norton, president.