Those new to the industry might soon find out that the tanning business is very cyclical and that the annual “busy season” happens NOW. Due to the nature of indoor tanning, much of a salon’s annual revenue is generated in a few short months – in most areas of the country, February through May. But remember, it’s always the season to keep your facility clean and safe.
Here are some tips for making the most of this time of year:
Maintenance Checklist
For most salons, there is a short window of time to bring in the majority of your sales for the year. Therefore, it’s important to have a plan in place, staff trained and maintenance schedules reviewed. As daily tanner traffic increases, make sure that your staff isn’t taking short-cuts, continue to monitor the equipment and confirm that they are following established salon opening and closing procedures. Hopefully, your Busy Season Checklist includes maintenance of the entire salon. Many times, your lease agreement will make you responsible for your HVAC unit. If that is the case, make sure the units are inspected annually by a professional. Take the necessary precautions to keep all your tanning systems in good working order. If you add new services, make sure that all staff is properly trained. Prior to making any changes, remember to contact your insurance agent and keep them up-to-date.
Manage Your Funds
Although it can be tempting, don’t let that “busy season bank account” tempt you into over-extending your business. Now more than ever, it is important to save cash to sustain your salon through the slower months. After you make it through the season, then reevaluate and invest in your business. Not only do your salon guests like to utilize new equipment, outdated equipment can pose risks at your facility.
Review Coverage
It doesn’t have to be renewal time to review your policy, so give your insurance agent a call to make sure your business is adequately covered. An annual review of these documents may uncover significant liabilities, as well as some opportunities for savings. Your agent should be alerted when changes occur, whether it has to do with growing the business or cutting back. It might be time to make some changes to your policy and your agent won’t know what you need unless you give them all the details. Keeping your specialized agent in the know could prevent potential uncovered claims in the future.
Of course, it would be nice if tanning’s peak season continued for an entire 12 months but that’s not reality for most salon operators. Running a clean, safe and friendly facility will always contribute to your profits.