Dear Readers,
Another 12 issues are history as we begin Volume 27 of IST Magazine!
With this anniversary, I could go on about how things have changed in the tanning industry since I opened my first salon back in 1979 and started publishing in 1997, and they certainly have changed; but there are constants, as well.
One thing that hasn’t changed is our goal of producing an important resource for salon operators and others who make their living in the tanning business. I have always been deeply vested in publishing IST, making it something our advertisers find value in supporting. Of course, I give credit to our contributing writers for helping to make it happen every month – it’s not an easy task to think of something “new” to write about operating an indoor tanning facility.
As IST continues to evolve, we have some things in the works.
For 26 years, we have found new ways to promote our supporters. New this month are features highlighting two industry-leading companies that have been shaping the direction of our industry for many years: Devoted Creations and JK Products. These are examples of how we create a mutually beneficial source of information to help you make good business decisions.
Here’s a great business decision: level-up your team and invest in super-affordable Sun is Life® Salon Operator Training! You could be our next “Salon of Distinction.”
Nearly all businesses are being impacted by the current economic climate; perhaps you’ve thought about analyzing your operations, making some adjustments. Jerry Deveney’s article “Conducting a Professional Business Analysis” offers a simple formula to get you started. You’ll also find articles about interviewing potential employees, enhancing your digital presence and more.
In case you haven’t heard any good news in a while: people still love to be tan! Whether you’re new to the industry or a veteran operator, I hope you’re finding time to get your house in order and preparing to make the most of the fast-approaching peak season. We’re here to help you make good decisions.
Thanks for reading,