As we head toward the close of 2012, we mark the 14th year that the Indoor Tanning Association has been aggressively protecting the rights of your customers to suntan. I will be the first to admit it – the past year presented our industry with its gravest challenges – from the restrictions on teen tanning that were passed in New York, Vermont and Rhode Island to efforts in Congress to force the FDA to reclassify sunbeds to a more restrictive regulatory category.
Next year, you can expect our enemies to come right back at us and you can also rest assured that we plan to be there fighting for you.
One challenge we continue to face is how best to deal with the media; we always seem to be playing defense. The ITA’s Board has realized for a long time that this needs to change, but we have always been constrained by lack of resources.
Over the past few years, various groups within the industry have approached us with plans to go on the offensive – to promote indoor tanning to the press and public. Today there is a new effort afoot and the sponsors seem very determined and serious about making it happen.
I think I speak for everyone on the Board when I say the ITA will wholeheartedly support any initiative that is well planned, inclusive of all industry sectors, does not erode or harm the progress we have made both in Washington and in the state capitals, and does not interfere with the ITA’s core mission; that is, defending the industry from intrusive federal or state regulations.
I also speak for the entire Board when I assure you that we will all be better served if we continue to work together toward a common goal of building a better future for our industry.
Rob Quinn