Welcome to summer! Or, as we refer to it in the indoor tanning world, off-season. Maintaining good customer relations is...
Read moreWe all love to be busy, especially in sales. Busy usually equals money, or at least opportunity. That being said,...
Read moreOne question I always ask of attendees at a sales training, regardless if it is “Selling 101” or “Advanced Selling,”...
Read moreWe’ve all heard that one of the most important ways to grow a small business is through loyal clients, and...
Read moreYour salon guests are your lifeblood. They are the reason you have a job. They keep your lights on, pay...
Read moreFor salons in most parts of the U.S., tanning season is just around the corner (and in some parts, it...
Read moreIST Magazine is the premiere, multi-award-winning business-to-business publication for the indoor tanning industry, providing valuable business articles and industry information in a fun, professional format.