Leaving your comfort zone and fear of change can be enough for anyone to be hesitant to take any sort...
Read moreSolid employees are one of the most vital keys to the success of your business. What your staff does while...
Read moreAre you expanding your service offerings as many salons are doing to provide your salon guests with an overall wellness...
Read moreImagine this: you are in the middle of your busiest hour on your busiest day when all of a sudden...
Read moreUnless you are still using index cards or a spreadsheet to manage your customers and their packages and memberships, you’ve...
Read moreAlthough the frame of time we’ve come to know as “busy season” has somewhat transformed and evolved from what we...
Read moreGood employees are one of the most vital keys to the success of your business. What your staff does while...
Read moreWhen looking for a software solution, there are many things to consider – on the top of the list should...
Read moreAs we’ve moved into a new year and reflect on the last, one of the most valuable things we can...
Read moreNow that the holidays are behind us, it’s time to begin preparing for the season. You might be a bit...
Read moreIST Magazine is the premiere, multi-award-winning business-to-business publication for the indoor tanning industry, providing valuable business articles and industry information in a fun, professional format.