Do you ever find yourself changing the “science” of the spray-tan/sunless process to suit the salon guest standing in front of you? Do you ever tell them the answer they want to hear for fear they will walk away, or worse, go down the street to your competitor?
Many salon owners like you are sometimes troubled with the truth, while many others may not understand or even know the simple science of sunless.
Let’s walk through a few common potential TRUTH scenarios.
Vacation Tanners – What do you tell your guests who are spray-tanning in preparation for vacation? Are you letting them know that the sunless tan you will create is not protection against UV overexposure? Have you told them that hot tubs, chlorinated pools and even ocean water can and will strip off their sunless tan? With so many negative truths about sunless, what is the selling point for someone heading to the Bahamas?
It’s our job to be trusted and project professionalism when explaining the changes a spray-tanner will experience in their skin.
The fact is, most enjoyable beach vacations mean tossing most of your sunless color right out the window. Does getting a spray-tan before a vacation even make sense? In a psychological way, it does. People want to look good in their bathing suits! Trying on those new shorts means either looking great or looking pale. The spray-tan will boost confidence, and tanned skin always makes us look thinner, doesn’t it? Try defining the reasoning for the first days of vacation – suggest enjoying moderate, responsible sun exposure to also help build a natural base tan. The transition can look flawless if the customer is educated and informed. It’s our job to be trusted and project professionalism when explaining the changes they will experience in their skin.
Another vacation tip: Many salons are visited by people who went on vacation and overexposed their skin at the beach (got red), and many spray-tan technicians will try to “even out” their color. Not a good idea – DHA is an inherently drying substance and will begin a severe peeling process! You should be honest and let your customer know this fact.
Spray-Tan Longevity – Scenario: A brand new customer enters your salon. When she asks a few simple questions about the spray-tan process, how do you answer them? Always remember, the science doesn’t lie.
“How long will my spray-tan last?” Do you tell a sunless fib and overestimate the longevity of the typical sunless tan? Do you think telling her it will last for ten days will make her a better customer? By honestly answering, “On the average, it will last 5-7 days,” you are sharing a simple sunless truth. This information will help her during the spray-tan process and also leading up to her next session at your salon.
Remember, as our industry grows, it is our job to help it mature. Honesty is the only spray-tan policy! The more facts and truths we share with potential and existing customers, the more positive word of mouth we ALL receive.