“Make sure your business is creating a service experience so good that it demands loyalty.”
– Steve Maraboli
APPRECIATION: It doesn’t matter if this is your first year in the tanning industry or you are a veteran salon operator, you’re undoubtedly glad to see the busy season arrive. Salons are filled with new and existing tanners, and there is no better opportunity than busy season to show them your genuine appreciation for their continued support of your business.
Every person who comes into your salon represents residual income, not only from the spending of that individual customer, but from the potential customers that happy tanners send your way. Let your clients know how much they are appreciated and always with a smile. Little things go a long way toward making sure your salon guests feel appreciated. Remember: retail is detail!
EVENTS: To welcome back those tanners who haven’t been in your salon all winter and show them they are appreciated, you should plan an event – Free Tan Weekend, Tan Fest, Customer Appreciation Weekend, etc. This is the perfect time of year for an event because salons are starting to have higher foot traffic. This month, a lot of people will come start a tanning program to prepare for Valentine’s Day, spring break or an upcoming spring wedding, and if they know they will receive more value tanning at your salon as opposed to the one down the street, they’ll choose to tan with you. I know a salon in a small Kansas community that does a very successful Free Tan Weekend every year in April, and they make it a community event. The salon serves hamburgers and hotdogs to anyone who stops by, they have specials on tanning packages and products and anyone who comes into the salon can tan for free that weekend in any piece of equipment. The salon owner plans for this by letting his guests know about the special promotions two weeks in advance, so that they can tell their friends and family. It’s also promoted heavily on Facebook and Twitter. By planning that their event will be a “big deal,” it becomes a big deal.
RESOURCES: We’ve just talked about how to appreciate your customers and the importance of planning an event during your busy season. It’s time to implement these practices! Is there an area you can improve on? What steps does your salon need to take to make the most of this busy season? If you are having trouble planning your event or need ideas for customer appreciation events, referral programs, or where advertising dollars are best spent, use your resources. Your product distributor and lotion manufacturers are capable and willing to help you grow, improve and offer ideas that are proven successful.
LOYALTY: Creating customer and staff loyalty is important to the success of any business. Your salon is most likely seeing more tanner traffic now than it has in the last few months. Building loyalty with each guest helps ensure future business for years to come. Provide a guest experience that is so enjoyable, they want to tell their friends and family about it. Loyalty creates repeat business, which in turn creates more revenue. People don’t do business with businesses, people do business with people. Making sure your salon has a great reputation is crucial to your survival. As word of mouth and social media help to spread information at record speeds, it is important that your entire team strives to maintain a positive reputation with your guests and your community.