Today, we live in a world where opportunities for chaos abound and rule. The more we see of it, the more unsettling it has become for all of us, I have to believe. But just as chaos can be used in negative and destructive ways and breed so many undesirable results, it can also be used in a positive and constructive way to breed beneficial, productive and needed changes. Since we have all had enough of the misapplication of chaos, let’s focus on its hidden gems.
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So, what is chaos? One definition of chaos is: a state of extreme confusion and disorder; a lack of order; a lack of intentional design. The array of chaos known as “2020” took our neat and pretty little business worlds and turned them into children that we almost didn’t recognize or know how to deal with. That has been a challenge. BUT … the silver lining in that cloud is that it has made us all deal with the realities of change needed to keep our individual businesses and our industry moving forward in a strong and confident fashion as a whole.
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Here are my thoughts on what I have seen chaos breed in positive and productive ways:
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Chaos breeds critical review.
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The first thing each business has had to do is take an honest look inside the front doors to review how we’ve operated in the past and contemplate what running our businesses in the future will look like and require from us.
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Chaos breeds calculated change.
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It has forced us to be truthful with ourselves about needed changes/improvements that have been ignored because of all the busy-ness.
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Not addressing that busy-ness may have actually cost us business and profits. Businesses being shuttered – as bad as that has been for all of us – has given us the time and opportunity to address those needs and to institute all of the new AND BETTER ways of doing business daily. Some by requirement, but I believe much more by choice and the desire to be the best, no matter what challenges we face.
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Just as chaos can be used in negative and destructive ways, it can also be used in a positive and constructive way to breed beneficial, productive and needed changes.
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Chaos breeds open-minded creativity.
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Nothing stokes the creative juices more than being forced to see that the way we have all been doing business has possibly, in some ways, become old or stale. When our imagination is unleashed, what comes from it is exciting for our customers, our team members and our bottom line.
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Chaos breeds clear opportunity.
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The combination of critical review, calculated change and open-minded creativity will produce clear opportunity. And who doesn’t love clear opportunity when it comes to their business? If you build it, they will come! (Seems like I heard that somewhere …)
Chaos breeds new life.
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Many salon owners have told us with great excitement about the increase in business that has come from the improvements and investments they’ve made. Their existing customers are showing their appreciation for the improvements by spending more money. Those same improvements are attracting new customers, as well. We hear their renewed passion for their business. They are excited because they see new life and opportunity to grow and expand. And it has all come from a bad thing called chaos that they have used in very positive and productive ways!
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One last thought: If nothing is done, chaos will breed more chaos. Don’t be that business owner.
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