Unless you are still using index cards to manage your customers and their packages and memberships, you’ve surely experienced an increased dependency on information technology over time in order to manage your salon operations. As your customer database is the lifeblood of your business, one of the most vital business decisions that you will make is how and where your database is stored.
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Your database is one of the most important aspects of your business, so it is imperative not only to have options in terms of how your data is housed, but also to be informed of the advantages of each.
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You may have experience with managing a server and desire to host your database yourself, as you have a high level of comfortability when it comes to the associated maintenance that is necessary. Alternatively, you may wish to relegate this responsibility to another party. When determining which solution is right for you and your business, there are a number of things to consider.
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If you’re not comfortable with the do-it-yourself approach, outsourcing your database hosting services will certainly give you peace of mind.
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Comparing the expenses associated with each option is a good place to start. If you choose to host your database yourself, there is the cost of the physical hardware, backup solution and antivirus software, to name a few. If you outsource the hosting of your database, instinctively, one of the first questions you may pose to potential vendors is what the recurring cost will be and whether or not there are any initial setup fees assessed. Pricing should not only be simple, but also predictable as your business grows.
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When it comes to disaster prevention and recovery, having regular backups that are stored offsite is imperative should your server fail or if the location where you house your server undergoes a catastrophic event. If you enlist the services of a vendor to host your database, your backups are, naturally, located offsite. A question to pose when evaluating a hosting provider is whether daily backups will be completed and on what interval they will be rotated. You also want to confirm ahead of time that you have the ability to request a backup of your data as you choose.
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No one needs to tell you that the security of your database is of utmost importance, but the mere thought of being solely responsible for your database can leave you feeling a bit vulnerable. A considerable advantage to employing a hosting provider is having confidence in knowing that you are securing your database in a safe manner and that it is being protected against unauthorized access.
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The decisions that you make regarding how to house your database are crucial, so don’t be afraid to ask questions and do your research. If you’re not comfortable with the do-it-yourself approach, outsourcing your database hosting services will certainly give you peace of mind.
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