1). How did you get into the tanning industry?
In 1995, a headhunter called me about a sales position at a lotion company and I jumped at the chance to interview. I was currently working in sales for a frozen food company, so needless to say the thought of selling sunshine was very appealing.
2). What is the best thing about your job?
The people! After 20 years, so many people in this industry are family to me. I count so many salon owners, distributors, my entire amazing team at SunEvolutions, and even some of my competitors among my dearest friends. It’s nice to work alongside people you love!
3). What do you do in your spare time?
I volunteer for my local SPCA and provide foster care for kittens until they are old enough to be adopted and find Forever Homes. I spend whatever spare time is left thanking my husband for putting up with his “crazy cat lady” wife.
4). What’s your “pet peeve?”
Oh, there are so many it’s hard to pick just one – but I will have to go with people who are habitually late. The world doesn’t revolve around you!
5). What’s your favorite food?
Cheese cheese and more cheese. Conveniently, it goes well with my favorite beverage … wine.
6). What’s your favorite TV show?
“House of Cards.” The Underwoods are insane and I love it.
7). What’s at the top of your “Bucket List?”
A Super Bowl win for my Buffalo Bills … with me there!
Maggie Curran
Director of Sales, SunEvolutions