Opening a Salon?
Expanding an Existing Location?
Buying or Selling a Salon?
IST has designed a salon-focused, Business Support Program that will provide you with insightful information on day-to-day business operations together with proven sales and marketing strategies that you can use immediately to maximize your profit potential.
Featured Tools Include:
- Calculation of the operating cost of each tanning system (UV & Sunless) on a per session basis for lamp usage, electricity, solutions, etc.
- Calculation of the number of sessions, packages and EFTs you must sell each month/year to break even and then achieve profitability
- Analysis of customer spending patterns including dollars spent per customer session/per year on UV sessions, sunless, lotions, etc.
- Calculation of salon traffic, equipment usage and cash flow on monthly basis, as well as a percentage of annual totals
- Calculation of revenue per tanning system (UV & Sunless) per month/per year
- Analysis of the cost and contribution of lotions, accessories, sunless and additional profit centers to the bottom line
- Review of your current session, package and EFT pricing structures
- Review of sales & marketing materials, advertising, promotions, etc.
- Analysis of your salon’s database as it relates to your target demographics and market penetration
- Analysis of your physical location and target market, including surrounding businesses and population demographics
Such an extensive support program would cost several thousand dollars. For a limited time, these tools are yours for just $195! For more info on this valuable business tool, go
to and click on the IST Business Support Program banner. You may also contact Jerry Deveney directly at