2020 … Are you kidding me? The indoor tanning industry celebrates turning the page to a fifth decade. Incredible!
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From humble beginnings, salons had to actually convince non-believers that you could actually lie down on a machine, press a button and be bathed in light from lamps covered by a plastic shield and voila! After several sessions, you’ve got a cosmetic tan. We grew into the halcyon days when salons were seemingly in every strip mall and our pursuit of a year-round brown put the tan biz in movies and sitcoms. Pundits pegged this cottage industry as a flash in the pan, certain to pass as a cultural phase.
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Now, new owners revitalize existing salons with fresh ideas, offering a diversified menu of equipment and ancillary products. Yet, there remains a constant: the need for quality salon operator education. Many tanning product providers offer training, though largely, this encompasses tips for selling their products – clearly necessary. However, I refer to salon certification programs, such as Sun is Life®.
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About eight years ago, IST Publisher, Vince Lorraine, contacted me about an idea he had: the indoor tanning industry needed a “boost.” Too many salons were relying on anecdotal or misleading ideas regarding UV exposure and indoor tanning. This eventually led to a confused salon ownership, staff and customer base and ultimately, something that the media seized upon. Although UV exposure has a plethora of positive effects (as referenced in a “Special Interest” story on p. 22), our industry is listed with the Food and Drug Administration (21CFR 1040.20) as a Class II medical device, used to promote the cosmetic (tan) effect of UV exposure alone, and no health claims are permitted.
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As for the advertising and marketing of indoor tanning, it is monitored by the Federal Trade Commission. There was a time when beleaguered salon operators, tired of the constant pounding from a media biased against tanning, started promoting known positive effects to the public. Unfortunately, that brought increased exposure from elected officials, many in the medical industry, as well as state and local governments. This was the genesis for Sun is Life, the salon operator education program that Vince Lorraine invested in to change the direction of our industry. It would be based on factual information regarding UV exposure and pertinent guidelines on salon management that could be made available 24/7 to anyone with internet access. The cost had to be established at an affordable price to make it an easy, “no brainer” choice. It would also be made available in a classroom format, primarily offered at industry events.
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Today, Sun is Life is the preferred certification program at our industry’s major national and regional expos. All Hours Distribution’s West Coast Tanning Expo, Heartland Tan’s America’s Tanning Expo and PC Tan’s Expo 2020 join the National Tanning Expo in offering Sun is Life Certification as part of their show’s educational curriculum.
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Newbies and salon vets alike should plan to attend and bring staff members to these events and kick off the new year with this effective and affordable training. An added plus: you’ll hear some of the industry’s finest speakers and see up-close and personal a wide array of equipment, lotions, technology and other ancillary products related to indoor tanning. These are can’t-miss events! Here’s another bonus: Note that an IST Magazine mainstay is our “Salon of Distinction” feature. Salons that have successfully completed Sun is Life Certification are offered participation in this special business spotlight. It’s just a small token of appreciation. If you have completed Sun is Life and want to be considered, simply email joe@istmagazine.com. The next Salon of Distinction could be yours! For more info about Sun is Life Certification, visit sunislife.com.
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Today, Sun is Life is the preferred certification program at our industry’s major national and regional trade events.