I imagine any extraterrestrial monitoring of the human race would be somewhat confused by the contrary and conflicting relationship we display with the most important source of energy for life on Earth – the Sun.[gap height=”15″]
On the one hand, it’s recognised as by far the largest star, indeed mass, in our solar system that has made and continues to make life on Earth possible as it drives the seasons, ocean currents, weather, climate and of course provides the energy that organisms like plants use to form the basis of many food chains. The Sun is a hero![gap height=”15″]
Then, of course, there’s a counterview that has been slowly penetrating the psyche of the masses and literally brings us down to Earth with a bump. This is the collective result of global anti-tanning campaigning and lobbying, wherein the Sun has been demonised by those with an assumed agenda to scare us out of the path of its “deadly rays.” Collecting a mass of believers en route who perpetuate this mantra, the Sun is often shunned by the very people who need it most for good health.[gap height=”15″]
So, is it really any wonder that artificial sun – tanning beds – have been caught up in, and have in many cases been the target of the maelstrom of negativity surrounding sunlight and tanning? [gap height=”15″]
I completely agree that overexposure to UV, whether indoors or outside, is something we must all avoid and within our industry, prevent. But we are in the business of tanning, NOT burning. Responsible salon operators will simply not allow burning, taking the time to educate tanners about responsible tanning and the benefits of a controlled dose of UV and, of course, refusing use to anyone with contra-indications to tanning. This simply doesn’t happen when it comes to natural sunshine![gap height=”15″]
Just recently, we had a few days of hot, sunny weather here in the UK and I kid you not, I saw more people with bright red, burnt, overexposed skin during just one walk in a local park than I have ever seen in almost 30 years in this business! So, to my mind, it’s a disgrace that the service provided by the professional tanning operators in our industry is conflated with the behaviour of the general public in the natural sunshine, who I suggest are at best confused and at worst fed up with the conflicting advice from the anti-tanning lobby. As such, they often choose to ignore the advice about sun exposure and do their own thing, the awful results of which can unfortunately be seen in every park and on every beach when the sun comes out. [gap height=”15″]
We are naturally drawn to the Sun for our very existence – of course we need to respect it; but we also need clear, consistent information about how to enjoy it responsibly. This information is a given in a professional tanning salon. As an industry, we have an ongoing responsibility to work toward ensuring all salon operators are focused on providing a professional service. This is, importantly, in the best interests of the tanning bed user, but equally our industry and, of course, our own businesses.[gap height=”15″]
As an industry, if we have our own house in order, it will surely be so much easier to extinguish any fires that the anti-tanning lobby tries to set underneath us.[gap height=”15″]
As an industry, we have an ongoing responsibility to work toward ensuring all salon operators are focused on providing a professional service.