Did you know that selling T-shirts provides your salon with hundreds of thousands of dollars’ worth of advertising and increases...
Read moreWant hordes of new clients flocking to your salon for your latest, red-hot deals? Then “Google it”! Nothing powers your...
Read moreJoining your local chamber of commerce is a free and easy way to market, promote and brand your salon, and...
Read moreThe secret to motivating your sales team is simple: if you dig deep to reward them for a job well...
Read moreIf you want a hard-working staff with customer service skills, refine your interviewing process with these three, effective steps! Everyone...
Read moreLooking for the perfect salon manager? She might already be on your team... you just need to know how to...
Read moreWant to sell more EFT memberships? Try paying your sales team a commission on each one they sell. It works!...
Read moreIST Magazine is the premiere, multi-award-winning business-to-business publication for the indoor tanning industry, providing valuable business articles and industry information in a fun, professional format.