ITA at Republican National Convention
In August, The ITA was well represented in Tampa, FL with board members Marty Gallagher (Suntan Supply) and Lewis Henry (Devoted Creations) carrying the industry’s flag. Marty and Lewis attended the GOP Convention as guests of the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) and its Chairman Pete Sessions (R-TX). This invitation was a result of the extensive fundraising work that Marty and
In addition to attending the convention, hearing the speeches and networking with political leaders from across the country, Marty and Lewis reported spending time with Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY); Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), NRCC chairman; Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-FL), NRCC Finance Chair; Rep. Jack Kingston (R-GA), Appropriations Committee; Rep. Greg Walden (R-OR) Energy and Commerce Committee and likely the next NRCC chairman; and Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL).
This effort was a part of the ITA’s continuing efforts to expand our political base and build a firewall against what surely will be renewed efforts from our detractors in Congress to force the FDA to place additional restrictions on the industry.
Congress – What to Expect before the Election
During the week of September 10, Congress returned after its annual August recess and the two national party conventions. With only eight legislative days on the calendar before they were scheduled to adjourn again before the election, the primary focus was to pass a six-month continuing resolution for the FY13 appropriations bills that will fund government operations beginning October 1. This approach was agreed to in principle by the House and Senate leadership just prior to August. There were also a number of “messaging” bills considered which are intended more to help the respective political parties frame the political debate leading up to the election, rather than as serious legislative efforts.
The more serious legislative action will occur during the post-election “lame duck” session in November and December, during which Congress must confront the fiscal cliff created by the scheduled expiration of a number of tax cuts, the scheduled sequestration spending cuts, as well as the need to address the debt ceiling. How Congress approaches each of these issues will largely be determined by the outcome of the elections.