You are not alone if this thought has ever crossed your mind: “Wow! My writing is sooo compelling! Look at me go, writing away … awe-inspiring emails, tweets, media posts and ads. Man, I’m just naturally gifted. My readers must salivate over my every word!”
And just as you’re marveling at your own magnificence, a bad thought creeps in like the Boogie Man: “No formal writing skills, no writing awards lately (or ever), and same ol’ generic content. Wait a minute – do I suck at writing?”
Okay, the tough part’s over and believe me, I’ve been there, too. This might sound crazy, but I only know one way to solve the problem: it’s time to make some cupcakes! I know the term “Cupcake Content” is not going to make anyone quiver with fear, but the time-tested, proven psyche behind the writing method is very powerful and impossible for your readers to ignore.
The more you try to push promos and specials at your customers, the more they’re trained to ignore what you’re showing them.
Your salon needs help, fast – your ads aren’t working, your emails are ignored, you’re not turning salon traffic into more revenue and the numbers are fading into the red. The problem is that the more you try to push promos and specials at your customers, the more they’re trained to ignore what you’re showing them.
It’s time to re-train them. Every time a reader does what you want – opens an email, responds to a post, inquires about an ad, reads a newsletter, etc. you reward them … with a cupcake.
This is what I call “Cupcake Content” and there are three delectable characteristics that all your writing should contain. The cool part is that you can apply them to emails, posts, ads or any writing you do to promote your business.
Content that’s useful right now … Readers’ Reward: free info, gift or a tool that can be useful to them immediately.
Examples: Share links to relevant info that helps them achieve their tanning goals, how-to YouTube videos, videos with product info from manufacturers, links to contests offered by product makers (I see them al the time on facebook). I’ve even seen salons share links for free product samples for just liking a facebook page or commenting on a post (There is one lotion maker that does this all the time; they put little “bunnies” on their bottles).
Content that makes life better … Readers’ Reward: you just made their day.
Examples: Share a funny image that makes them laugh or a heartwarming story that inspires them. Maybe a local success story that motivates them. You could share examples of your community support in some way, whether you sponsored a local sports team or gave free spray-tans to the cheerleaders going to the state championship. (I’ve seen all these and many more). Know your customers and give them content that improves their lives.
Content that just tastes good … Readers Reward: just glad they took the time to read it.
Example: You write a fun story about a great customer experience – this type of writing is easy to read, often entertaining and brings the reader pleasure. It’s brief, well organized and appealingly formatted.
Great content is not about you showing off how smart you are or how big your vocabulary is. It’s all about making your message content more delicious for the reader.
Special edition of EPIC SALES coming in Oct. issue … DOUBLE YOUR PRODUCT SALES!